Who You Are Matters!

Helping you connect, reflect, engage in a safe & structured, interactive virtual event. 
Promotes team (re)building, workforce development and career growth. Conversations Matter!

Experience it first

NOT a webinar

NOT a panel

NOT what you expect

Unlike any virtual experience you’ve ever encountered

Join us in 2024

April 4,  11-12 pm ET

April 30, 5-6pm ET

Come back for more dates...

Safe & structured conversational program promotes team (re)building, workforce development and career growth

Hybrid work requires honoring different work styles and needs. It's not simple! And, research shows that doing it right increases productivity and engagement.

Unlike LinkedIn, Slack and other networking and communication platforms, Who You Are Matters! features a customized and guided learning journey which can be faciliated virtually or in-person.

Learn first-hand from co-founders Rich Feller and Mark Franklin, as they bring to life this interactive and guided Who You Are Matters! program blending group conversations and individual reflection. For team (re)building. For workforce development. For career growth.

Rich Feller
Ph.D - Co-Founder

Mark Franklin
M.Ed.,P.Eng. - Co-Founder

Provided by OneLifeTools – developers of the Who You Are Matters! game, and
Online Storyteller

"I played the Who You Are Matters game two years ago... an enlightening experience. I jumped at Who You Are Matters!-virtual, a great tech virtual translation.  Who You Are Matters!-virtual led to deeper conversations and I walked away with a true appreciation of colleagues and deep personal insights.  With teleworking and self-isolation, Who You Are Matters! creates safe, meaningful sharing and feedback.  It delivers encouragement and engagement in difficult times."

Nancy Fink
Director, Professional Outplacement Assistance Center,
Maryland Department of Labor

To learn more about Who You Are Matters! and OneLifeTools click here